Little Buds

Garden slide show

School is out, but our garden is in full swing.  Thank you to Marianne, Heather and all our garden volunteers (including students) for their hard work this year.  To help tend the garden during the summer please see our previous post: Gardeners Needed.  Here is a slideshow of activity and growth in our Little Buds Garden.  

Gardeners Needed

Gardeners Needed!  Little Buds would love a helping hand over the summer taking care of all the fruits, veggies and herbs that were planted over the past few weeks.  If your family would like to take on the garden for a week, please sign up via the attached link.  No heavy lifting required…just a little […]

Pickle Time for our 2nd Graders!

Our 2nd graders learned how to make their very own pickles from fresh cucumbers with help from our Little Buds Garden volunteers.  Check out the smiles of Ms. Shinella’s class as they show off their very own pickle jars! (Also, thanks to our parent volunteers for helping the class with the activity!)  

Hands On Learning in Our Little Buds Garden

Little Buds is getting ready to welcome kids back into the garden after the long winter! We have some unique, hands on learning activities for each grade that will tie in with what they are learning about from their science teachers. Here’s what’s coming up over the next few weeks: Kindergarteners will be planting the […]

Check out our official Monarch Waystation!

Besides being a wonderful outdoor classroom for our students, the Holmes “Little Buds” Garden also has a certified Monarch Waystation.  Thanks to efforts by our garden volunteers and students, the garden will be a rest stop for migrating monarch butterflies.  As the posted sign notes, the site provides “milkweeds, nectar sources, and shelter needed to sustain monarch […]

Holmes “Little Buds” Outdoor Classroom

Holmes “Little Buds” Outdoor Classroom This past year, the Darien Public Schools has started a new initiative for school gardens. Each elementary school will have a garden, built and maintained by parent volunteers and used by teachers as an outdoor classroom. Teachers will have access to a garden curriculum and the students will have the […]