The Darien Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) is an independent organization of parent volunteers committed to open communication and effective collaboration between the families of our community and the Darien Public Schools.
The SEPAC steering committee, which consists of representatives from each school, meets monthly to discuss district special education practices. The committee plans public meetings on best practices in areas such as literacy, dyslexia, ADHD, autism, assistive technology and inclusion. Members work with principals and PTO representatives to provide a forum for parent input.
The Darien SEPAC organizational structures are as follows:
- General Meeting
Monthly public meetings open to all parents of students with disabilities, or with suspected disabilities, in Darien. - Steering Committee
Comprised of two representatives from each school and members from the independent school population. Monthly meetings. All parents are welcome to attend. Contact co-chairs or Steering Committee members for meeting time and location.