Raise your paw if you love a good Book Fair! Our Holmes School 2018 spring Scholastic Book Fair will get your tail wagging.
Please join us:
Wednesday March 21st 8:30am – 4:00pm
Thursday March 22nd 8:30am – 4:00pm
Friday March 23rd 8:30am – 12:00pm
We will have an early opening for children and families needing a quieter, less stimulating experience from 5:00-5:30 on Thursday March 22nd.
We will also have a fun-filled Family Night on Thursday March 22nd from 5:30-8:00pm, when 5th graders will sell baked goods to support their end-of-year moving up activities. Holmes outfitters will also be there selling some really great Holmes spirit wear.
This Book Fair is guaranteed to be a dog-gone good time as you sniff out some awesome books!
This year we will be using a new system called eWallet for those of you who wish to pay in advance so that your child can purchase books during their classroom visit. Please see http://www.scholastic.com/bf/holmeselementaryschool13 for further instructions and to get set up.
We still need more volunteers! If you are interested in helping set up, working as a cashier/floater during the fair, or helping break down after the fair ends, please sign up here even if you have already filled other volunteer spots!
For more information, please contact your Holmes Book Fair chairs: Lisa Primmer lisakayprimmer@hotmail.com, Joan Carlo joan@carlocrew.com or Jamie Rous jamierous@gmail.com.