
Darien: How healthy are we? (Upcoming Health Presentations)

“How does the health of Darien residents compare with that of the US or Connecticut?” “What is the fastest growing threat to the health of Darien residents?” Make your New Year’s Resolution to attend these vital presentations and learn about the current health trends in our community. This event will take place on Thursday January 12th at the Darien Library from 7:00-8:30pm.
·      Overview of Darien Community Needs Assessment
·      Carrie Bernier, Executive Director of The Community Fund will share about the Thriving Youth Task Force’s campaign to address underage drinking in Darien
·      Key note Speaker: Gary Mendell, founder and CEO of Shatterproof, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the devastation that addiction causes families.

Sponsored by the Darien Health Dept. and The Community Fund of Darien (Please see attached flyer for more information about the upcoming health series.)