Why Do We Fundraise? How Much Money Can We Raise?
The Council of Darien School Parents (CDSP) allows Darien elementary school PTOs to spend $175 per student each year on field trips, in-school enrichment programs, classroom supplies and teacher appreciation. Holmes PTO fundraises to support these activities for our children.
How Are PTO Dollars Spent?
Holmes PTO covers 100% of the cost of field trips and in-school enrichment programs. We do not pass on any cost to Holmes families. Holmes PTO also contributes to various projects throughout the school that benefit teachers and students. A few examples include the water-filling stations throughout the school and recent upgrades made to the playground.
What Are Some Ways I Can Contribute to Holmes PTO?
(Details on each program distributed throughout the year.)
- Direct Appeal Fundraiser – This is our annual fundraiser at the beginning of the school year. We aim for 100% participation from Holmes School families. Even a small donation will go a long way to ensure Holmes is the best it can be for our children. To make a donation to the Direct Appeal Fundraiser click here.
- Walkathon – Fall fundraiser, a wonderful week for our Holmes children!
- Family Photo Weekend – A great opportunity to have your family photo taken and contribute to Holmes School PTO.
- Online Auction – Annual event
- Book Fair – Annual event
- Spring Fundraising Party – Annual event
- Bingo Night – 5th Grade Fundraiser
- Sporting Events – Bridgeport Soundtigers and NY Yankees
- Box Tops for Education – Collections take place throughout the year
- Loyalty Programs – Want to help Holmes School, but don’t have a lot of time? You can help by doing your everyday shopping on Minted or Mabel’s Labels.
- Holmes Gear – Support our children and show your school spirit!