
Seminar: Understanding Support Services

A panel of educators and administrators will:
* provide an overview of SRBI, 504 and special education services
* outline roles and responsibilities of school team and administrators
* explain assessment tools, including AIMSWEB
* describe social/emotional student support

November 16, 9:30am to 10:30am, Middlesex Middle School Library Media Center

Co-sponsored by MPA, DPS and SEPAC RSVP:

-MMS SRBI Specialists: Michelle Pagliaro and Dan Kensek
-MMS School Psychologist: Laurel Crowther
-MMS School Counselor: Marc Power
-MMS Special Education Department Chair: Mary Scalise
-MMS Teachers: Lindsay Wrinn and Deb Westerback
-MMS Administrators: Shelley Somers (principal), Andrew Byrne and Garan Mullin (assistant principals)
-Program Director for Special Education at the Secondary Level: Scott McCarthy
-Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction: Susie Da Silva