We are very excited to once again offer the Holmes Community an opportunity to have their family photos taken this fall. We are pleased to announce our new photographer Kristin Wood. Kristin is a local photographer and will be offering 10-minute individual family sessions at Waveny Park on Saturday and Weed Beach on Sunday.
This year, we will be using Kristin’s link below for sign-ups, payments, and specifics regarding locations. The sitting fee of $45 can be paid directly on her site. Please note that Kristin is donating the sitting fee to Holmes as part of our fundraising efforts.
Click the link here to pick your time slot and please only sign up for one time slot per family.
If you have any questions, please let us know:
Bridget Fahy (bridgetfahy_2004@yahoo.com)
Jenny Mullane (mullanecrew@gmail.com)