During these challenging times, Darien Human Services would like to reassure residents that we are available to assist those in need. Please call 203-656-7328 or email Ali Ramsteck, Director, aramsteck@darienct.gov.
We continue to maintain contact with vulnerable or frail seniors on our Emergency Call List. If you would like to be added or would like to add someone to the list, please call 203-656-7328 or email aramsteck@darienct.gov.
Many members of our community are asking how they can help during this crisis. We have an unprecedented number of people who are struggling financially. To support your neighbors in need, we gladly accept donations of gift cards (Palmer’s Market, Stop & Shop, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens) or you can mail a check (payable to Darien Human Services) to Human Services, 2 Renshaw Road.