Darien Public Schools

Darien School District Chain of Communication

The Darien School District has created a Chain of Communication. The protocols have been designed to promote direct, open and respectful interactions so that any issues that arise can be worked out quickly and efficiently. Please see the below for your reference: DPS Chain of Communication

School Supplies – Order by June 23

SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR NEXT YEAR ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!!! SOME ITEMS REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS. To order school supplies for your child, please visit: suppliestoplease.com. Click on “Parents Login” and enter the username: Holmes, password: hs2021 (case sensitive). Prices and supply lists by grade can be found on the website. Ordering school supplies through Supplies […]

Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022 School Year

If you or you know of a friend/neighbor who has a kindergarten-aged child, registration is now available online. Please go to the Darien Public School website to begin the registration process. Please see here for more information.Any questions, please contact M’Liss Conetta at mconetta@darienps.org.

Summer Tutorial Camp

Summer Tutorial Camp is an OPTIONAL opportunity for your child to access extra skill building and practice in both literacy and math over the summer. With a curriculum designed to shore up core skills, students will strengthen what they have already learned and gain confidence striding into the 21 – 22 school year! Student centered […]

Preparing Students with Special Education Services & 504 Accommodations for Middle School – Panel Discussion

Preparing Elementary School Students with Special Education Services & 504 Accommodations for Middlesex Middle School on Friday, March 5, 2021 at 9:00-11:00am Please join us for an informative panel discussion and explanation of the middle school transition process for elementary students with IEPs and 504 accommodations. Please register for the panel discussion by March 3, […]

Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022 School Year

If you or you know of a friend/neighbor who has a kindergarten-aged child, registration is now available online. Please go to the Darien Public School website to begin the registration process. Please see here for more information. Any questions, please contact M’Liss Conetta at mconetta@darienps.org.

COVID Questions?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our lovely school nurse Mrs. Emily Merritt if you or your family have any COVID-related questions via e-mail is EMerritt@darienps.org or through school main phone line 203-353-4371 (press 5 to reach school nurse). If you receive positive COVID test results after school hours, please call 203-656-7440 to speak with a nurse.

Mentors Needed To Help DHS 9th Graders

As part of a year-long project, 9th graders in the Achievers program seek the help of a mentor for project guidance. It is a meaningful and impactful way to inspire these students without a huge time commitment.The role of the mentor is to provide professional guidance in the subject area of the student’s project. Students will […]